We’ve made two big improvements and a pair of smaller ones to our front door.

The first improvement was to install a Camco screen door bar, which cost about $15 from Amazon. The handle provides an easy means to close screen door when the outer door is open. It’s a very common fix that should have come as standard equipment.

The one-beer installation required drilling a few holes and screwing the bar into the door frame.
The second big improvement, a two-beer project, was to replace the stock door window with a Thin Shade window. We’ve been camped in places where the morning sun has come blasting through the front window, blinding us as we’re trying to eat breakfast or work on our computers.
The Thin Shade window has a built-in blind that can be raised to block out all light from entering through the window. When not in use, it folds up into the window frame, totally out of sight.

There are two brands of Thin Shade windows commonly available. We went with the Lippert unit (about $100 on Amazon), which is the same brand as the original. The package included everything needed, including the clips one needs to remove the original window.
The AP Products brand unit is a few dollars cheaper, but one must contact the company to get the clips needed to remove the old window. While the Lippert replacement goes back on without screws, the AP shade uses screws. I like the clean look of the Lippert.

The Thin Shade comes with see-through tinted glass, which most people prefer. We happen to like the frosted glass for its privacy factor. Instead of using the tinted glass provided, we just reused the frosted original.

Two other two minor modifications were attempts to provide a means of keeping the door open on a breezy day in camp. The first was to install a door-holder clip (about $10 from Amazon). We used one of these on our old A-frame trailer with so-so results. On this trailer, the clip proved far too anemic to hold in even light winds.

The latest thing we’ve tried to hold the door open is a bungee cord. I simply replaced one of the door-clip screws with a small, screw-in eyebolt and did the same with one of the trim screws on the side of the trailer. With an eight-inch bungee strung between the two, the door should stay open.

When not in use, the bungee clips on the wire rack, which we installed when we removed the TV.