I hate wind, especially when camping. And that’s one reason we now own a trailer.
Several years ago, Dianne and I were planning to tent camp at Capitol Reef National Park in Utah. When we got there, the sky was black and the wind was howling. Putting up a tent would have been a four-letter challenge and cooking in those conditions would have resulted in a sand-salted mess. So we ended up stuck in a cheap motel in Torrey.
Now we’re camped in Kartchner Caverns State Park in Arizona. The sky is black and the wind howling, but the trailer is firmly planted. Dianne is about to prepare a batch of chipotle shrimp for dinner, which we will enjoy with Chardonnay chilling in the refrigerator. This time we’re pulling our escape motel behind us.
Sharing our site are friends who have their tent pitched behind the trailer. I suspect it won’t be long before they, too, start looking at other camping options.