Our new Subaru Outback (SOB) will go a lot of places, but there are some trails where it pays to have friends like Bob and Becky who own a Jeep. One such pathway is the Fins and Things Trail in the Sand Flats Recreation Area east of Moab.

At the start of the trail, Bob took the precaution of airing down his tires to increase traction.

While he’s doing that, I looked at the road and thought that the SOB would have no troubleFins and Things, at least on the starting terrain…

…but on this trail, things have a way of quickly going from good to interesting.

Notice the skid marks on this drop.
Best of all, it wasn’t all bushes out here. The ladies actually had some nice facilities to use out in the wild (I still preferred the bushes).

After the obligatory group photo…

…we headed into Moab for burgers and brews (yes, Utah now offers real beer in restaurants).